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Microsoft Access Templates Employee Scheduling Database


Microsoft Access Templates Employee Scheduling Database

5,760 KB



Access 2016

2018-08-03 07:37:04

(20 User Rated)

Access database employee scheduling template for small business is a Microsoft access application that assist HR staff in the tracking process of employees attendances in small and medium enterprises. This access database greatly assists small industries in finding qualified and responsible employees. Development of technology creates convenience in all human activities, as well as in information technology. Employee searching process by providing job vacancy information in real time is the right solution in finding employee as according to desire. This application is able to facilitate the owner in finding and finding suitable employees work in place.

Access Database Templates for Employee Scheduling

You can create this application using MS Access 2016. Here are the steps in making this template, such as:

1. Open Ms Access, Select new file and name it employee database. You have to create this templates by making it three categories like the picture above that is category of employee, attendance and reports.

2. The first category of this hr templates for small business is the employees category. This employee category contains the identity of the employee. Employee identities such as employee ID, first name, last name, email address, phone number, hire date, active status, monthly salary, and project detail. In addition, in the status subcategory there are options such as active or retirement. Display image in the employees category this human resource management system templates, you can see as shown below.

3. This employee performance management templates, the second category of attendance. This attendance category contains employee, date, work status, time in, and time out. In employee subcategories there are several options such as employeee1 employee1, employee2 employee2, employee3 employee3, employee4 employee4 and employee5 employee5. Display the image in the attendance category with some options employee this hr templates for small business, you can see as picture below.

4. In addition, in the category of attendance there are also several work status options. Options such as at work, leave or sick. The option can only be selected by one user. If he is still working, the user select "at work", if not work or dismissed then the user select "leave", but if user is sick and still can work then user select "sick".

5. The fifth and last category of this hr templates for small business is category reports. These categories of reports contain two databases such as show attendance report and employee uniforms. In addition to this category there is a column of information in the form of resumption time. Display the image in the category reports this employee database templates, you can see as shown below.

Access Templates Employee Scheduling and Recruitment

This template is perfect for those of you who have a small to medium business. This templates is able to track employee attendances and manage employee administration database, you can use this template for Microsoft Access software.

Microsoft Access Templates Employee Scheduling Database for Access 2016

Microsoft Access Templates Employee Scheduling Database Microsoft Access Templates Employee Scheduling Database

Download Microsoft Microsoft Access Templates Employee Scheduling Database

Preview of Microsoft Access Templates Employee Scheduling Database. This Access Database Templates was added on 2018-08-03 07:37:04 and compatible with Microsoft Access 2016. Microsoft Access Templates size 5760 kb.

Microsoft Access Templates Employee Scheduling Database

Microsoft Access Templates Employee Scheduling Database for Access 2016

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Inventory Management Software, HR Software, Payroll Software, Project Management Software, Accounting Software, Billing Software .

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