Best Microsoft Access Database Templates
Popular access templates are the most requested access database. Most of our access database templates are created for small business companies, non profit organizations and also academic institutions. Access database examples below are ready-to-use and compatible with the latest microsoft office access 2016 software version. You can also use microsoft access 2013 or MS access 2010 and 2007, but we recommend to use microsoft access 2016 to open our templates. Here are the top 10 list for most wanted access database templates:
1. Inventory Management for Order and Supply is access database templates for recording your inventory for retail or distributor company. It is enhanced with login feature. It is almost same like Company Inventory Management Database; however, it has customer database so it is good for larger business or company. The menus are more advanced, through the basics are same. It is access 2013 database which is not compatible for older version.
2. Student Database Management System is access 2016 for managing the school or courses institute system. It mainly has some menus for recording the students, guardians, attendance, and medical information. This microsoft access templates can be used for special school or any institute providing special education for physical or mental disabilities due to the medical information and insurance feature.
3. Northwind Database is all in one access 2007 database. It consists of form for customer, sales order, supplier, purchase order, and inventory list. The main purpose is for recording the company inventory along with the transaction. It has report and employee menus along with company login, but currently without password. This access database may be similar with Inventory Orders Supply.
4. Inventory Management System is access 2010 template for recording the company inventory. It has several menus, for Order to supplier, Product list, and Customer database. It's is simpler and not advanced especially in orders menu, so it is good for small business or warehouse only. It main purpose is for generating invoice report which can be used for billing your customer.
5. Comprehensive Tracking Lending Library is access 2007 database for managing the usage of company assets, e.g. employee who borrow company vehicle or phone whether it is for personal or business motive. This ms access templates has several menus for Asset details, check out for lending the asset, check in as asset return, and lending history. It has employee master menu for lending. Aside for internal use, you can modify it into customer lending such as video rental business.
6. Student Database is access database for recording the student in your school. This template can be used for access 2016 version too. It has menus for recording the student guardian, class, and medical health. This template can be used for small or medium school to education institution.
7. Inventory Management Software is ms access templates for recording the inventory details and amount. Unlike other inventory, this one is not too focused on transaction, even through the subform for inventory purchase and sell is persist along with employee menu. It has several reports for inventory, mainly for stock level which are not featured in other inventory microsoft access database. The reports can be used for analyzing the stocks.
8. Create Maintain Comprehensive Business Services Database is for access 2013 or newer. This access database templates is referred for mainly invoicing. It consists of several menus, almost like Northwind. It has company info, employee, products, inventory, quotes, and invoice. The invoice and quote has interactive status feature. It can be used for identifying which invoice or quote that has been paid or not. It has shipment feature too. It can generate invoice report for billing.
9. Business Account Ledger is referred for accountant division. The account ledger template records the account transaction for both income or expenses. It can be used for access 2010 or newer. The usage is simple. There are menus for account journal name and category. Next is transaction menu which record the transaction into account journal along with the amount. This access templates have taxation and report features which will generate the account journal ledger automatically.
10. Desktop Contact is microsoft access templates for managing your contact. It works by storing the contacts, personal or business. This microsoft access database menus are simple. It has Contact menu as the master menu and contact list. It has report which sort alphabetically and can be turned into phone book. It can be integrated with another template, and can be served as employee database.
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