Access Templates for Small Business Accounting Ledger Tutorial ✅ - September 2024

Access Templates for Small Business Ledger

Access Templates for Small Business Ledger - This is one of access templates called small business ledger. Small business ledger template can be used for accounting department or accountants to records the income or expenses. Small business ledger template is set up for service company and business, but you can modify it for retails too.

The ledger for small business template has these menu:

Menu for recording the transactions for accountancy entry in ledger. The menus consist of a header and table list.


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On the header, there was these buttons:
- New Entry: Click to add and create new transaction record.
- Collect Data: import data
- Email List: export data and send it by email.
- Filter, to display certain records. More details below.

The fields on the header are:
- Entry Title: String, the name of the entry
- Entry Number: numeric, the accountancy code for small business ledger
- Category: lookup field, values taken from Category List menu.
- Transaction Amount: currency.
- Memo: string, comments or notes for the transactions.
- Actual amount: determine whether the transaction amount is in negative (expense) or in positive (income). The value depends on Category field.

Below is the table list from recorded transactions on the upper, header form. Table list can be used for quick record entry or edit. The fields are all same with the header form. The Negative Amount is shown in red color inside brackets, while Positive in green. The displayed Total Amount determine the Cash Flow.


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If you select a record, the field on header will open and display the selected value. Currently, there are 3 filters: Expense, Income, and Consulting Service Category. You can add new filter by:
1. Clicking Save Filter button.
2. An error pop up will appear, click OK.
3. On Filter Details dialog box, enter the Filter Name and Description.


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4. Click Show Details to Expand the Filter Details.
5. Enter the Filter Sort and Filter String fields. You can see the example on Filters table.
6. Close to save the filter.

Menu to record the Category that can be used for other menus in small business ledger template.


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The fields are: - ID: autogenerated, numeric. Value cannot be changed.
- Description: string, name of the category.
- Income/Expense: lookup field. There are only 2 fields. Selecting Income will make the Transaction Amount field in Account Transaction List menu in positive, while Expense make it Negative.
- Taxable: checkbox. Tick if the category will be taxed. Currently, the tax is not set up yet. You can set up the tax form and rate along with the calculation.

Menu to display each Category with summarized transaction amounts in Expense or Income category.


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Both menus are for displaying purpose only. However, you can add new Category and the Transaction amount in these menus.

Menu for displaying the recorded data in business ledger templates with summarized, neater looks. The report is printable and can be used to analyze business with financial growth and issues.
There are 4 report types in business ledger database:

ACCOUNT TRANSACTION REPORTS: Report displaying all the transactions along with the amounts.


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EXPENSES BY CATEGORY: Report displaying all the transactions in Expenses Categories along with the amounts. The Transactions sorted alphabetically in Category.
INCOME BY CATEGORY: Report displaying all the transactions in Income Categories along with the amounts. The Transactions sorted alphabetically in Category.
TAX REPORT: Report displaying the transactions amounts and calculated taxes. However, since small business ledger template include no tax calculation, you need modify the tax report.

The small business ledger template for access templates is open source, you can enhance its feature especially the tax feature. You can integrate it with other templates, such as payroll template or adding Login form for authentication. You can set the it into web application for multiuser usage. Or, you can learn how to create accounting database by looking at sample ledger in MS access for small business template. The small business ledger template can be downloaded for free at

Frequently Asked Questions

Which Microsoft Access software version work with this database?

This database template will work optimally on MS access software version 2016 and the latest 2019 version. You can use the older version but it may caused bug or error.

How to Download This Access Database Template?

Simply go to our homepage and browse the template you want to use, you can also use search form function to get templates in specific keyword. You can Register Here and become our paid member if you want to get all templates without download limitation in unlocked version.

Is It Safe To Download This Database from This Website?

We've been serving our users since 2011, you can verify here. We are always committed to build a secure and user-friendly database for our users, and thats why we still exist in this business until today. You can also verify our website security using McAfee, and you can directly scan the downloaded database using VirusTotal or any other Antivirus software you have in your computer. All access databases and templates on this website are 100% free from virus, malmware or any other harmful objects.

Can I Modify The Database Template?

Yes, you can modify all of our templates to fit your needs as long its for personal, education or non-profit use only. If you want to modify and use it for commercial or business purposes, you have to buy extended licence separately. Read more: Terms of Use.

How to Download Microsoft Access 2016 or 2019 Software?

You can purchase Microsoft Office Access here:

Can I Request for Access Database Modification Service to Fit My Needs?

Yes, we are open for any kind of modification service on microsoft access templates and databases. You can send your access modification request here.

How Can I Contact Microsoft Access Programmer?

You can contact our programmer using the contact page on this website, or if you need faster response you can send us WhatsApp Message to +1-(786)-886-3099 (working hours only) and Priority support only available for paid members. If you don't get answer by phone due to heavy work-load on all of our staffs, we suggest you to send a whatsapp message or email